It’s been almost 2 years since my last workstation setup post. At a high level, it hasn’t changed much, but it’s been a while, so I figured it’s a good time to share some updates.
…It’s been almost 2 years since my last workstation setup post. At a high level, it hasn’t changed much, but it’s been a while, so I figured it’s a good time to share some updates.
…It’s been a year since I setup my GPG + Yubikey. It has now been expired and we need to renew the keys.
…First, clone the ziglang repository
$ git clone ~/zig
Also, clone the llvm-project as we will also build llvm package from source
…This is Part 2 of the series about my remote workstation setup. In the first part, I talked about GnuPG and Yubikey. In this post, I will share my OS (Operating System) level setup. This setup is heavily inspired by Michell Hashimoto
…I believe WFH is going to be (if not already) a new normal for the tech industry. The benefits of it undeniably outweigh some of its disadvantages. However, in my opinion, there is one major problem with WFH, that is security compliance. There are enough stories, or articles about this, so I am not going to explain why that is the case. Instead, I want to share my own setup, as an effort to have a reasonably secure and compliance workstation at home.
…In exactly two weeks, it will be my one year anniversary at InDebted. InDebted, who won the best place to work in Australia in 2022 is one of the first companies in Australia that offers four days working week as well as fully remote work. As I have been working 4DWW for almost a year now, I want to reflect on this experience, mostly for my personal development, and hopefully, it might also be useful to someone else.